I am an earth system scientist with over 15 years of experience exploring the linkages between human activities, climate, and the environment across all aspects of the freshwater domain. As a lead designer and innovator of research addressing complex global to regional environmental challenges, I have worked to integrate detailed scientific analysis with accessible tools and products to support sustainable resource management. My dedication to addressing the complex and interrelated nature of environmental issues facing our world has motivated me to spearhead interdisciplinary research joining multiple stakeholders from the academic research, NGO, industry, and policy sectors.

I have expertise building models and tools with large scale, multi-temporal datasets and presenting complex findings to broad audiences. I possess a depth of experience in spatial data science and machine learning with a strong emphasis on open data and open source coding including: Python, Jupyter Notebook, R Studio, QGIS, GDAL/OGR, and PostgreSQL/PostGIS. Please visit my GitHub page at PamelaAGreen for examples of code from current work.

To learn more about my water research projects, please visit my Portfolio page.

For more details on my experience, please view my professional Resume.

Please feel free to contact me if you have similar interests. I am always interested in sharing ideas on research and exploring opportunities for collaboration.

Photo: Greenwich Point Park looking towards New York City, Old Greenwich, Connecticut (photo credit: Pamela Green)